What Are Oral Probiotics and How Do They Work?

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When you hear the word “probiotics,” digestive health is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Probiotics, however, aren’t just for the gut. There are also probiotic supplements designed to support other areas of health, including oral health.  

What are Oral Probiotics? 

Just as there are bacteria naturally present in the GI tract, there is also a colony of bacteria that lives in the mouth. This is called the oral microbiome and includes more than 700 different kinds of bacteria. The oral microbiome is made up of both good and bad bacteria, and an optimal balance of these two types is necessary for proper oral health.  

Dental probiotics are supplements that work to help maintain the ideal balance of good and bad bacteria in the mouth. They include beneficial strains of bacteria that have been shown to help encourage the growth of good bacteria and keep bad bacteria in check.  

Oral probiotics typically come in a form that allows them to have direct contact with the surface of the mouth, such as a chewable tablet, liquid drink, or lozenge. These delivery methods help them work more effectively than they could if swallowed as a pill. 

Benefits of Dental Probiotics 

There is relatively limited research in this area, but the studies that have been done suggest that dental probiotics typically have a positive impact with few or no side effects. Below are some of the top benefits of adding these supplements to your oral health routine. 

Reduce Bad Breath 

When bad bacteria is allowed to grow unchecked in the mouth, bad breath often results. By working to restore a proper balance of good and bad bacteria in the mouth, probiotics can lower levels of bad bacteria and reduce bad breath.  

Prevent Cavities 

Leftover food particles in the mouth feed the growth of harmful bacteria, which can quickly lead to tooth decay and cavities. The good bacteria in probiotics increase saliva production to wash away food and harmful bacteria, preventing cavities. Probiotics can also fight the growth of specific types of bacteria that are known to cause plaque and cavities. 

Ease Gingivitis Symptoms 

Probiotics can also help with preexisting oral health issues. Studies have found that dental probiotics are beneficial for reducing inflammation associated with gum disease. They can even lessen the symptoms of gingivitis, like swelling and tenderness of the gums and tooth sensitivity.  

Stay on Top of Oral Health 

Taking oral probiotics isn’t a substitute for putting in the work to take care of your teeth. The best way to promote oral health is to stick to a consistent routine for promoting dental hygiene. That means brushing and flossing every day, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular teeth cleanings at the dentist 

Reach out to the Family Dental Center of Blair today to set up your next dental appointment!  

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