Teen Dental Health: Braces, Wisdom Teeth, and More

Proper dental care is important at any age, especially during the teenage yearsIn fact, it’s estimated that over 60% of teenagers have some degree of gum disease and that 57% have had cavitiesTeen dental care services, like wisdom teeth removal and teeth straightening, help adolescents stay on top of their dental hygiene, setting them on the path toward good oral health for years to come.  

Teeth Straightening  

Crooked teeth places excess stress on the jaw, eventually leading to jaw misalignment, headaches, and neck pain. There are several different cosmetic dentistry products on the market to help teens straighten wayward teeth, the most popular of which are Invisalign and traditional braces.  



Many teens and adolescents express concern about the visual appearance of bracesInvisalign, a popular alternative to traditional braces, uses custom-designed clear aligners to straighten teeth discreetly. Teens using Invisalign must wear them for at least 22 hours per day. 


Metal Braces 

Metal braces consist of brackets, which are attached to the teeth with dental cement and connected with wire. The wire is tightened over time by a dentist to align the teeth and jaw.Metal braces remain a widely used straightening option since their robust frame realigns teeth more accurately than other methods. 


Ceramic Braces  

Ceramic braces use clear or tooth-tone ceramic brackets instead of metal. Ceramic braces are less noticeable and more hypoallergenic than their metal counterparts, though they tend to cost more.  


Wisdom Teeth in Teens 

Typically, wisdom teeth come in during late adolescence, between the ages of 17 and 21. Sometimes, wisdom teeth grow in without issue. In many cases, however, wisdom teeth don’t fit in the mouth correctly, causing significant pain and necessitating removal. Most dental clinics are well-equipped to remove wisdom teeth, so it’s best to get the procedure done early to prevent tooth crowding, which can lead to tooth misalignment if left untreated.  


Maintain Regular Dental Hygiene 

Encouraging a consistent dental health routine is the best way to promote positive oral health in teens. At minimum, teens should be brushing their teeth twice daily and flossing regularly.  


Certain dietary choices can also affect oral health. Teens should avoid excessively sugary beverages and limit highly acidic foods to prevent cavities ad tooth decay.  

Schedule an Appointment at the Family Dental Center of Blair 

Making time for regular dental care services is essential for healthy teeth. Annual cleanings are a great time to screen for potential issues with wisdom teeth and to discuss the possibility of specialty dental care services like braces or Invisalign. The experienced providers at the Family Dental Center of Blair are here to support your teens on every step of their dental health journey.  


Contact us today to set up an appointment! 

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