Common Pediatric Dental Concerns and How to Address Them

A young girl sits in the dentist’s chair and has her teeth examined by a female dentist.

Proper dental care is important at any age but is especially critical for children. Without routine checkups and cleaningskids can develop chronic oral health concerns like tooth decay and cavitiesEstablishing healthy dental routines and helping children feel comfortable in the dentist’s chair not only helps children avoid painful dental conditions, but it also lays the foundation for healthy habits they’ll carry with them forever.  

Tooth Decay 

The most effective way to prevent childhood tooth decay is to practice good oral hygiene at home. Brushing twice a day with a dentist-approved fluoride toothpaste reduces the buildup of plaque, preventing it from eroding teeth and creating cavities 

Kids aren’t always the most reliable brushers, so in addition to their daily routine, they should visit a family pediatric dentist often. Not only can pediatric dentists clean excess plaque and tartar, but they can apply dental fillings and fluoride treatments to protect and shield teeth from decay. 

Gum Disease 

Plaque can also build up around a child’s gums and, left unaddressed, develop into periodontitis, also known as gum disease. Periodontitis causes red, inflamed gums and can eventually damage the teeth themselves if not treated.  

Luckily, gum disease is both preventable and reversible. Regular and thorough brushing combined with occasional professional cleanings from qualified family pediatric dentists can return gums back to their healthy state in no time.  

Trust the Experts at the Family Dental Center of Blair 

Practicing good oral hygiene will go a long way towards securing your child’s dental health, but the best way to prevent tooth decay and cavities is to schedule regular checkups and cleanings at a proven pediatric dentistry clinic.  

The Family Dental Center of Blair offers general and family dentist appointments to protect the smiles of all ages. Book an appointment today!  


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